Meet Amarifer in Nashville

"This experience has taught me how to become a strong independent woman and believe in myself. Challenges and hardships do exist to make us better, stronger and strive for more."
Meet Amarifer, an accounting trainee, who decided to join a training program in the US. Amarifer shared with us some details about her unique experience in the US, read on and get inspired:
Why did you choose to go abroad?
I have been to the USA before. It was in 2019 and I was 21. I joined Work and Travel Program in New York City, since then I fell in love with the country, and I would like to learn more about it. I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management. I decided to join the training program here in the USA because I want to learn about “Doing Business the American Way” and improve my finance and accounting skills. I also want to learn more about the American culture, meet different people from different countries and enhance my English-speaking skill. If the time permits, I would like to travel as much as I can, explore the country. Meet people and learn from my experiences.
How does American culture differ from your culture and what has impressed you the most?
My training is in Nashville, Tennessee but my visa allows me to travel around the USA as well. I have met a lot of people and seen different states of America. I have been to NYC, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, and Georgia. The USA has a lot of immigrants. I was able to socialize with different people with different ethnicity. Cultural Diversity is one of the differences from my country. Here in the USA, I was able to learn not only the American culture but also, I am learning things from other people with different nationalities as well. I love learning different stories/experiences from different people. But what impressed me the most is how employers treat their employees here. They treat them fairly and they care about them. I was scared at first because I am a foreigner, and I was new here in Nashville. I didn’t know anyone it was completely a new world to me. But with my Executive Director’s guidance and support I was able to adjust, meet new people and learn new things.
Could you take us through a day? What were your routines?
Before anything else, I just want to tell the world how lucky I am with my Executive Director and my host company. My boss let me stay in her house for 7 months and it was for free. Since we are in Tennessee public transportation is limited. My boss and I were going to work together, she was driving me to work. I couldn’t be happier with how they treat me here. My work schedule is Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. I have weekends off. So, during weekdays I get up at 7am to get ready for work. From 9am to 5pm I work according to my training plan. I live close by a trail so during weekends and free time I walk, run or play lawn tennis. Sometimes I explore Nashville and other city here in Tennessee. Whenever I get a chance, I also travel in other states. My boss often asks me what I want to do? or where I want to go? because she would always drive me to where I want to go such as, church, trails or in a sports game. She makes sure I am doing the things I like, and I enjoy my stay here while doing my Accounting Training.
How has this experience abroad helped you grow personally?
I am at the midpoint of my 18-month training here in the USA. I am enjoying my training here in Nashville, Tennessee. I am learning a lot, and everything is working out according to my training plan. I have a great working environment. My Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer are the best. I have the best work mates in the world. They make it comfortable with me, I am well-adjusted to everything. I also had the chance to attend General Assembly in the Capitol of Tennessee I was able to meet Senators, Representatives, and the Mayor. So far, it has helped me gain more work experience, enhance my English-speaking skill, meet different people, and improve my finance and accounting skills. This experience has taught me how to become a strong independent woman and believe in myself. Challenges and hardships do exist to make us better, stronger and strive for more.
Why would you recommend others to do a program abroad?
I would recommend others to do program in the USA because it will help you grow personally. It will help you gain more work experience and improve your skills. Learn their culture and language, meet people, and explore the country. It will show you what the “American dream” is. There are so much to learn and experience here. USA has a lot to offer. Do you want an unforgettable and a once in a lifetime experience? Then what are you waiting for? Join the US program with Stage-USA.
If you could express your experience in three words, what would these be?
So far, I am having a Wonderful, Unforgettable and Fulfilling experience here in the USA!